DPA Computer Training Course
Together shaping your future

Courses Available:  

DPA Training is Accredited with ICDL International and is a ACCREDITED ASSESSMENT CENTRE for ICDL. 

Advance Courses available on request.

Online Essentials Software Training Pretoria 

Classroom Training -  Prices from R900.00

The aim of the course is to remove the mystery surrounding the Internet and to give the user the required level of confidence to 

make the best use of the Internet with browsing, searching, downloads, copying and email facilities in a one day course.

Computer Essentials Software Training Pretoria

Classroom Training -  R 1 720.00

This two day course introduces the student to the general concept of the Computer and provides some basic knowledge of the 

computer and the uses thereof.

MS Word Computer Training Pretoria

Classroom Training -  R 1 920.00

The course will give you the confidence to work on the Word program doing your work with pride. With functions like typing and

 editing documents, printing, formatting, working with tables, headers and footers, saving, copying, pasting and more functions 

to help you with your daily tasks in the office in a 2 day course.

MS Excel Computer Training Pretoria

Classroom Training  -  R 1 920.00

The course aims to improve the efficiency with which the user can process and manipulate data in spreadsheets.  Functions like 

Saving, editing, formulas and functions, formatting, printing, graphics, charts and more functions to help you to use Excel to the

 fullest in a 2 day course

MS PowerPoint Computer Courses Pretoria

Classroom Training  -  R 1 820 .00

To introduce the user to the concept of an electronic presentation. To design and create a professional presentation using 

Power Point to its fullest with animations, advanced text formatting, slide designs auto shapes, objects and more functions to 

help you in a 2 day course

MS Access Computer Courses Pretoria

Classroom Training  -  R 1 820.00

Learn how to add, create, edit, working with tables, modifying, filtering and querying, reports, mailing labels and more functions regarding the database in a 2 day course.

Basic Accounting Computer Software Training Pretoria

Classroom Training  -  R 4 500.00

In this 3day course you will get the knowledge of the fundamental principles of accounting with processing journals, transactions, 

sales, cash book, inventory, VAT and Financial statements

Digital Citizen Plus

Classroom Training  -  R 2 000.00

This program is design for Beginners and is open to everyone.   It is the introduction to some basic topics covered in

 Computer Essentials, Online Essentials, Word Processing and Spreadsheets for everyday computer use.

eZee FrontDesk & Burrp POS Pretoria Computer Courses

Classroom Training  -  R 4 530.00

eZee Front Desk and Burrp POS is a software program in Property Management Systems. During the course you will learn from

 front desk to back office the functions throughout the daily work in a Hotel from where the guest comes the payment, 

the operations through housekeeping, maintenance and keeping your guest happy to the back office were the salaries, 

leave and payment will take place. Burrp is the Point of Sales program that will take you thru the setup, planning, inventory,

 seating, menus and the delivering and serving to the payment of the bills. It is a important part of the Hospitality industry.

- Classes on Request

 DPA - Training offers you a practical approach to learning the basic instructions and procedures required to operate the applications software within a small period of time. The School has sourced a suite of training packages specifically tailored for the user of the  Microsoft Office, Sage Pastel and eZee software. DPA Training is a registered Training and Assessment Center with  ICDL, 

Sage Pastel, Quickbooks, eZee Frontdesk and Robotill.

DPA Training offers the following facilities to its students:

* Small classes (maximum of 6 pupils)

* Expertly trained tutors

* User orientated training material

* Individual guidance